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Award Title


  1. You must have the Summit Award.
  2. Have logged a total of six nights hiking in the Berg, and an additional trip including a 700m ascent or two lower Berg trips.
  3. Create a summary of facts about at least three mountain accidents, their causes, the rescue action taken and possible preventative measures which could have been taken.
  4. Develop the ability to prepare a detailed hike plan proven by presentation of one such plans (adventure trip plan).
Add the links to your summary and hike plan in the info block.

Hike Plan Template

Brief details of the same sort that will be entered in the Mountain Rescue Register should be included as well as alternative routes.


  1. Area
  2. Dates
  3. Leader(s)
  4. Group

For Each Day:

  1. Route
  2. Estimated time of departure
  3. Estimated time of arrival
  4. Alternative route
A planned hike is a successful one.

Award Info Title



Skill Level