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Treverton's Outdoor Pursuits Programme is well established and the various activities are now synonymous with the ever increasingly popular adventure and extreme sports. It is with thanks to the late Mr Neil Solomon, who founded the Treverton Outdoor Pursuits Programme and the Post Matriculation Course, and Mr Graham Lind for their forethought and hard work that they put into developing the Outdoor Pursuits Programme and this logbook.


As Adventure Tourism increasingly becomes more popular in South Africa there is a greater demand for qualified adventure guides who are registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (CATHSETA).

The growing outdoor-adventure industry is a potential source of employment and already a significant number of old Trevertonians are employed in this sector. Not only is Treverton College of service in the development of individuals, in terms of personality, character and leadership skills, through the Outdoor Pursuits Programme, but also increasingly of use in giving individuals a competitive advantage for entering into the Adventure Tourism industry in South Africa.

Safety First

There is always going to be an inherent risk in doing some of these activities. Learners should familiarize themselves with the risks and make sure that they know the necessary skills required in order to do a particular activity. For example: Train first to get fit before attempting your first 15km road running race or Adventure Race, practice paddling on flat water before attempting to shoot a rapid, don't play with snakes as they may be dangerous and you're a long way from help and don't eat or consume anything found in the veld (such as mushrooms, seeds or berries) as they may be poisonous and detrimental to your well-being. This list is not exhaustive and by using your common sense will go a long way in ensuring that you have an incredible journey of achievement and enjoyment as you overcome your fears, reach your personal goals and have fun in God's creation.

All the best in striving to achieve as many O.P. awards as you can.

What is the Outdoor Pursuits Awards Scheme?

The Treverton Outdoor Pursuits Awards Scheme consists of twelve major awards, with higher levels (Instructor and Leader) attainable in all the award disciplines.

Learners voluntarily work towards achievement of these awards by following the standards and rules laid out in the Outdoor Pursuits Logbook. Learners do this mainly in their own time although some instruction is given during Grade 8, 9 and 10 O.P. lessons. Learners work at their own pace and by a series of "sign-offs" in their logbooks gradually achieve their awards.

Self-motivation is the key to the Outdoor Pursuits Awards Scheme and the following are the stated aims of the programme:

Why Should I Work Towards Outdoor Pursuits Awards?

How to Apply for an Award

  1. Make sure of the rules of the award - these can be found on each award page under the requirements.
  2. Obtain all the necessary signoffs from the MIC (teacher in charge of the award) who is authorised to sign that you have passed the appropriate test and are competent in this area.
    Make sure that the person who signs off your awards and signoffs is authorised to do so!
  3. Navigate to the page of the award which you are applying for and click on the request button inside the information block. This will send a request to the MIC, and they will then either accept or decline the request.
  4. If the MIC declines the request, they have the option to leave a message telling you why the request was declined.

Special Outdoor Pursuits Awards:

The awards represented below are indications of high achievement in the Outdoor Pursuits Programme. They are given for ascending order of experience and achievement, leading ultimately to the Instructor and Leader awards which are given to those of exceptional merit, a good safety record and proven experience.

Instructor Award

This may be earned by superior achievement in and service to a particular area of Outdoor Pursuits (e.g. Mountaineering Instructor). The conditions of the Instructor Award can be found in the logbook.

Leader Award

This award is given to learners with exceptional ability as well as proven responsibility and service to a specific area of Outdoor Pursuits as well as a high level of general achievement in Outdoor Pursuits.