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Award Title

This award was created to award experience, achievement and leadership in mountain hiking. A Mountaineering Leader is someone who leads by example and who has a depth of knowledge and love for the mountains. An appreciation for wilderness and a real care for the environment is an important attribute of such a leader.


  1. Have spent at least ten nights on the escarpment and have a proven record of effective leadership as a Mountaineering Instructor.
  2. Shown care and responsibility in your attitude towards other mountaineers.
  3. A Mountaineering Leader is someone who leads by example and who has a depth of knowledge and love for the mountains, along with an appreciation for wilderness and a real care for the environment.
  4. Responsibilities of a Leader Squad include instruction of learners and instructors as well as assistance in the running of the Treverton Hiking programme.

Award Info Title



Skill Level