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Award Title


  1. Five x 15 lengths of the dam time trials (kayak)


    Five x 16 lengths of the dam time trials (K1)


    Five x 18 lengths of the dam time trials (K2)

  2. Pass the practical Novice Kayaking Test as follows:
    • Reverse paddling
    • Bow rudder stroke (to initiate turn)
    • Draw stroke and figure 8 maneuver (to move sideways)
    • Slap support stroke (to prevent capsize)
    • Sculling support stroke (i.e. large sweep stroke - to prevent capsizing)
    • Stability against yawing (able to paddle in a straight line)
    • Correct launching and beaching techniques
    • Capsize (with spraydeck)
  3. Have the other necessary signoffs.

Award Info Title



Skill Level